Maintaining Independence in Assisted Living

Are you or a loved one experiencing physical or cognitive health challenges that are making it harder to live on your own? Do you feel like extra assistance would help you with daily activities?  If so, you or your loved one may benefit from assisted living care. However, this transition can be a tough one… Continue reading Maintaining Independence in Assisted Living

What are the Benefits of Assisted Living?

For many older adults, making the transition into an assisted living facility is one they may not look forward to making. However, sometimes the change is necessary – especially if you or a loved one is struggling with memory problems, having trouble with their physical health, or simply needing more support than they have in… Continue reading What are the Benefits of Assisted Living?

6 Things To Consider When Choosing An Assisted Living Program

As we begin to advance in age, performing activities of daily life can become more challenging and the need for personal care assistance can increase. This is the primary reason many senior citizens across the country make the decision to move into assisted living facilities. Not all senior citizens require the specialized 24-hour care that… Continue reading 6 Things To Consider When Choosing An Assisted Living Program

What Are The Benefits of OT For Seniors?

Occupational therapy for seniors is a highly beneficial program, and it is recommended to individuals for many various reasons. Whether it be due to an injury, illness, or disability, seniors often experience difficulty in completing many activities of daily life. Daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, getting dressed, and bathing can become very difficult, or… Continue reading What Are The Benefits of OT For Seniors?

Fun Activities For Seniors To Maintain A Healthy Life

Getting older is a natural part of life, and it is bound to come with a number of various challenges to each individual. An unfortunate reality for many is that as they begin to grow older, they find themselves spending more and more time alone at home, which usually leads to a lifestyle of inactivity.… Continue reading Fun Activities For Seniors To Maintain A Healthy Life

How Do You Know It Is Time For Assisted Living?

When is it time for assisted living? This is often a difficult question to ask, and the answer is not always the same for each person. Many adults think of assisted living facilities as just nursing homes, and don’t feel that their health has declined enough to justify moving into one, but this mindset is… Continue reading How Do You Know It Is Time For Assisted Living?

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Our waterfront view is more than picture-perfect. Studies have shown that water reduces overall stress and improves mental well-being. At Bay Vista, the health of your family member comes first. Schedule a tour today!

Our program ensures three meals per day.

Our program ensures three meals per day. Food is medicine, and our team is dedicated to maintaining a healthy lifestyle for ALL residents. No one is forgotten, and everyone is welcome!

Are you ready to book your visit?

Are you ready to book your visit? We have a whole team of staff waiting to serve you and your family.

It’s a brand new month. Let’s take action together!

It’s a brand new month. Let’s take action together! This month, check on your loved ones. Health is your wealth, and we help make your experience as comfortable as possible!